Monday, February 23, 2009

Bloom's Taxonomy Revised - Actively!

The American Psychological Association has a great resource (linked above) with some revisions that are tailored to our active learning pursuits. You will see that the highest order is now CREATE rather than evaluate and the term knowledge has been more aptly re-named REMEMBER.

The taxonomy circle is a most useful tool. Note that it combines the non-active roles of remember and understand - and separates out each of the active roles of:
  • Apply
  • Analyze
  • Evaluate
  • Create

It is in the higher orders of the taxonomy that we achieve active learning - and in which we can implement some of the new and evolving Web 2.0 tools to actively engage students.

At the end of the Fall 2004 semester, I asked students to reflect back on their postings in Blackboard, and to categorize them as to their level on Bloom's Taxonomy. One of the better student's response is at:

1 comment:

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